There is one thing however that stands out from the layout. It can easily be fixed with a quick color change. The main text of the site is in black text. Everything goes great together except for the black text. If it were changed to one of the layout colors it would look perfect in my eyes. All the colors are bright and fun. The black text draws your eyes to it which is a good thing because it tells you all you need to know about finding the navigation BUT I feel it would flow much better being a different color.
This is the photo your greeted with upon typing in www.ultraquirkytot.com
It is bright, fun and adorable! The colors and photo placement are really pleasant.
Moving onto the content of the site there is quite a lot to choose from! That is always a GREAT thing! There is a wide span of products that covers toddler toys to toddler birthdays, Mom Gear and a lot of things in between. I myself being a mom to an any-day-now toddler am excited to have the chance to view and review this site for all of you! I can also offer you all a 5% discount off your entire order courtesy of Ultra Quirky Tot. Just use the code 'usereview' you have until September 30th, 2012 to do so.
Upon browsing UltraQuirkyTot I found myself wanting to know more about this company. How it got started? Why did it come about? Where did it originate? How the products were chosen/found? Are these handmade? So I click on the 'About Us' link and there wasn't an explanation to the questions I had. What it told me was what they could provide the customer and that is great we all want to know we will be well taken care off during before and after our purchase. I hope I'm not the only one who feels they would like more of a background. I think adding something like that to the site would give the customers more of an understanding and maybe more of an option to buy.
All in all this is a great site. I love that you can really find anything your toddler may need here. It's like a one-stop-shop. Who doesn't love just going to one place and being DONE. If you want to be kept in the loop you can easily join their mailing list or follow them on Facebook, Twitter or read their blog on WordPress. Happy Shopping!
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